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Yamim Noraim Seats


Dear KBY Community,

Now that we are into Chodesh Elul, it is time again to make arrangements for Yomim Noraim at KBY. We ask that you respond promptly, and we also ask your patience and indulgence as we try to make the holidays as safe and comfortable as possible for everyone.

Minyan Choices

We are again planning for the following minyan choices for Shacharis and Musaf on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur this year:

1) Hashkama (in the Social Hall)

2) Main Shul


Hashkama will start at 7:00 am and Shacharis in the Main Shul will start at 8:30 am. Mincha and Maariv minyanim will generally be held in the main shul, including one Kol Nidre / Maariv and one Neila minyan in the main shul on Yom Kippur.


We will post lists and seating charts of all registered attendees and we expect people to attend the minyan where they have registered.  Members with permanent seats in the main shul have the first rights to use these seats. 



Each Full Member in Good Standing is entitled to TWO free seats per family, and additional seats can be purchased at a cost of $100 per seat.  Associate Members can purchase seats at a cost of $100 per seat.  Weekday members can purchase seats at a cost of $200 per seat.  

If anyone has difficulty with the financial requirements described above, please speak with Ephraim Jacobson, Daryl Hagler, or Michael Kann. No one will be denied the opportunity to daven at KBY for financial reasons.

Action Required - DEADLINE: SUNDAY, 9/22.

Please fill out the form below to request your seats and make payment. We will need to know the number of men and women for each minyan requested for each day of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.  In addition, for women requesting the main shul, please indicate if you need seating in the downstairs women’s section.

We are excited about spending these holidays together again at our shul and your participation in the multiple minyanim being offered by KBY.

Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation during this process.


Shana Tova,

The KBY Seating Committee


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Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785